I am a Physicist and Software Engineer.

I completed my Bachelor (2017) and Master of Science (2021) in Physics at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, with an exchange (2015-2016) at Helsinki University, in Finland.

My work experience and previous research positions:

  • Simulation Systems Engineer, Pasteur Labs, (Oct 2023 - Present)
  • Senior DevOps Engineer at Lavanet (Jan 2023 - Sep 2023).
  • Principal Infrastructure Engineer at Omnivector Solutions (Feb 2021 - Oct 2022).
  • Senior Python Engineer at Kobe (Jan 2021 - Jan 2022);
  • Python Developer at Itera (Aug 2019 - Dec 2020);
  • CERN researcher for Data Preservation and Open Access (Sep 2018 - Dec 2018);
  • Numerical Simulations for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2013 - 2015);
  • Geometric and Image Processing for Body Evaluation (2011 - 2012);

My CV is available here as a PDF, online in LinkedIn and always in your terminal:

$ man <(curl -s https://heitorpb.github.io/heitor.7)

I have experience in software engineering for highly scalable and distributed systems (I’ve built a few large scale clusters on a data center), backend development (containers with REST APIs), software and systems development (I love building CLIs), bare-metal and cloud systems; I like documenting projects, processes, and code; I’ve worked in small startups and also in large teams; I enjoy sharing my knowledge, mentoring new teammates and contributing to open-source communities. I am able to operate autonomously and at the same time be a strong team player.

During my free time, I am a co-organizer of technological groups of São Carlos - Brazil: grupy-sanca (Python users group) and sancaLUG (Linux users group). We organize conferences, workshops and outreach events.

I have a passion for photography and pretend to know something about it. I enjoy walking around cities, mountains and forests to take pictures. Most of them are not published anywhere but some are in my Flickr account.

Feel free to get in touch :) I’ll try to answer you “shortly”:

This site is made with Zola and obscure magic :) Hosted on GitHub Pages, with help from chocolate, coffee, and terminimal theme.

Everything is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License except where noted otherwise or where another license is dictated by content not controlled by me.